This year marks the 20th anniversary of the Marianist Province of the United States – uniting what was once four regional provinces into one.

Miracle on UD Street

Ellie Borkowski with Remington

Ellie Borkowski, a junior at University of Dayton (UD), wasn’t sure what to expect when she met her special buddy, Remington, a first grader, at the Christmas on Campus (COC) event held at UD on Dec. 8.

They shared hot chocolate and pizza and played games where the 6-year-old won all sorts of prizes and candy. “The highlight of the evening was watching Remington’s face light up when he found out he got to take it all home with him, including a new hat and gloves and a Lego truck,” said Borkowski.

Christmas on Campus is a longstanding tradition at UD. “It was started in 1963,” said co-chair Sophia Locker, who, along with co-chair Julia Mills, worked especially hard to host an in-person event after COVID short-circuited the gathering for the last two years. “About 3,000 people attended this year’s celebration,” said Locker.

The idea behind Christmas on Campus, this year called “Miracle on UD Street,” is to bring UD and the greater Dayton school community together for a night of celebration and fun, starting with a tree-lighting ceremony. More than 1,000 grade-school children were paired with UD students to witness a live nativity scene, enjoy crafts and activities and even a visit from Santa.

“Our outreach to children at such an impressionable age is important because it brings the wonder and spirit of Christmas alive,” said Mills.

Leslye with Santa

That wonder spills over to the UD community. “Our hope is that students see how their kindness impacts their buddies and that these children have a lasting memory of the magic of Christmas,” she added.

That’s exactly how Maru Jiménez, a senior at UD, felt after spending time with Leslye, his second-grade buddy. “We made slime, wrote a letter to Santa, pet some sheep and puppies and looked at all of the Christmas décors,” he said. “It was amazing to see Christmas through her eyes. She was so happy and grateful to be here, and I’m so appreciative that COC gave kids and UD students such a great memory.”

In The News

Pilot Program Boosts Entrepreneurial Innovation

Chaminade University of Honolulu (CUH) was among seven minority educational institutions that received $1.75 million in grants from the Minority Business Development Agency (MBDA).

The $600,000 grant awarded to CUH will help develop the “‘Inana Sustainability Entrepreneurship Program,” which aims to spark minority entrepreneurial innovation among undergraduates from Hawaii, Gaum, Samoa and other Pacific islands.

The Minority Colleges and Universities pilot program will help fund the development of curricula, pilot courses, seminars, and replicable products and tools that address inclusive innovation, entrepreneurship and general economic development.  The award will be granted over a two-year span.

Festive Marianist Happenings

Click here to watch students from Saint Louis School doing a hula at the Gallery of Distinguished Achievers  (GODA) celebration in Honolulu earlier this month.

Click here to view brothers in our Cupertino Marianist Community in California gathered around the fireplace in front of their shrine of Our Mother of Guadalupe to extend Christmas greetings and blessings.

Click here to watch a Christmas video from the Cape May Point Marianist Community in New Jersey.

Click here to see some of the Wreaths across America that a generous alum of University of Dayton (UD) helped the Military and Veteran Programs and Services office place on the graves of our Marianist Brothers who served in the military and whose graves are located at the campus cemetery and Mount Saint John.

Click here to see the beautifully decorated tree at Meyer Hall community at Mount Saint John.

screenshot of virtual gathering

Advent in Our Messy World

The Marianist Center for Lay Formation in Philadelphia, PA, gathered virtually to celebrate Advent. Marceta Reilly, a former member of the International Council of Marianist Lay Communities, reflected on “Advent in Our Messy World.” Affiliates and friends discussed Marceta’s challenge to be responsible for the Marian face of our Church in response to our messy world. Bro. Jack Ventura, national director of affiliates and Rob Broderick, national director of Marianist Lay Communities of North America, also spoke to attendees on this prayerful day.

District of India Updates

Participants with Fr. Marty Solma

Eleven members of the District of India met in Deepahalli for a renewal workshop. These Brothers form the second oldest cohort of professed in the District, having taken their first vows between 1994-1998. Fr. Marty Solma directed this renewal workshop which was received with enthusiasm and joy. Daily presentations allowed the participants to reflect deeply on important themes in Marianist life: holiness, prayer, aging with grace, purity and the joy of living God’s call in the Marianist community, ministry and the Marianist Family.

District Chapter 2022 participates with Bro. Ed Violett

Last month, the 22nd District of India Chapter was held in Deepahalli. The Chapter has five members by right and eight by election. Bro. Ed Violett was invited to offer guidance to the Chapter as it dealt with the evaluation of the Council’s reports and propositions that were submitted. Fr. Jinu Muthukattil and Bro. Balaswamy did an excellent job taking care of the documentation work for the Chapter. Their service to the Chapter was immensely appreciated. The District Chapter members are also grateful to the Scholasticate Community members for their assistance.

Marianist Ministries in Action

Eagle Scout Inspires with Service 

Almost everything on Mount Saint John, a 147-acre, Marianist-owned property in Dayton, OH, offers a teachable moment, including the Marianist Environmental Education Center (MEEC).

That’s what Gavin Boyd, a senior at Beavercreek High School in Ohio, was aiming for when he volunteered to build an arbor for MEEC to support native vines as part of his Eagle Scout requirements.

The new arbor, located at the entrance to the living labyrinth, will feature three vines – wild yam, leather flower and American groundnut. It provides an opportunity for “people to learn about native vines while opening themselves up to nature,” said Boyd.

“A native arbor has been on our wish list for some time,” said Marianist Sr. Leanne Jablonski, director of MEEC. “When Gavin approached us about doing something for his Eagle Scout project, we were thrilled to put him to work on this. It will serve as an educational point along the trail, emphasizing these plants’ roles in supporting pollinators, hosting insects, providing nutritious fruit and enhancing natural beauty.”

While Gavin built the arbor, knowing that MEEC could use it to teach about the environment and Marianist values, he also discovered a lot about himself in the process. “I learned about patience, perseverance and hard work,” he said. “Most amazing was watching it all come together. It turned out even better than I imagined. It’s incredible to take simple pieces of wood and plants to make something new, inspiring and important.”

Gavin Boyd and Sr. Leanne Jablonski

A large portion of the supplies needed was donated by Lowe’s. Gavin’s mother, Lauren Boyd, who works for the North American Center for Marianist Studies at Mount Saint John, also rallied friends and family to contribute and support the completion of the project.

Click here to see more pictures from the construction project.

MEEC invites visitors to come and enjoy the new arbor, experience a labyrinth walk or just the peacefulness of Mount Saint John trails. Click here to learn more.

Marianist Moment

By Bro. David Betz 

To Birth Jesus as Mary Did


I recently read the July 30, 2022, concluding message from the International Lay Marianist Assembly in Madrid, Spain. The posting presents three directions for Lay Marianists throughout the world: 


1) To make our charism more visible within the Church 

2) To allow communities to be a place of welcome, without judgments, and be bridges of closeness to the faith for those who feel abandoned and excluded

3) To welcome young people with a sensitive attitude to their concerns, to make them participants in our decisions and be available to accompany them with the richness of our experience


Reflecting upon them brings me to our Marianist Mission: “To birth Jesus as Mary did.” I find these directions to be wonderful actions to fulfill our mission in our world today. They can be ways to engage in the mission and spread the Good News about Jesus Christ. And, of course, this time of Advent and Christmas allows us to reflect on our mission and how these directions may become part of Marianist lives. Looking to our Marianist Saints during this season of the Incarnation can assist us in our reflections.


Click here to read more.  Click here to view the video Like Mary

From the Archives

Lunar Landing Ignites Awakening

Astronaut James Irwin (1930-1991) signed a picture of himself saluting the United States flag on the moon (Apollo 15 – 1971) to Bro. John Rohe (1931-2018). The inscription reads, “His love from the moon.”

Irwin wrote several books about how being on the moon had a profound spiritual impact on his life. In an excerpt, he wrote, “The entire space achievement is put in proper perspective when one realizes that God walking on the earth is more important than man walking on the moon.”

One year after his mission to the moon and feeling God’s presence, Irwin resigned from NASA. “I have totally yielded my life to the Lord’s service to tell people everywhere about the life-changing message of Christ,” wrote Irwin,  More Than Earthlings: An Astronaut’s Thoughts for Christ-Centered Living (1983).

If you’d like to see more from the Marianist Archives, visit and “like” this Facebook page.

Pray With Us

Good to Know

Caregiver Recognition

Bro. Ed Longbottom at Caregiver Recognition Mass

The Cathedral Basilica of St. Peter in Chains, Cincinnati, celebrated its annual Caregiver Recognition Mass late last month. This special recognition is held each year in November, which is National Caregiver’s Month.

More than 60 caregivers, including Bro. Ed Longbottom were recognized for their volunteer work. Bro. Ed works with the chaplaincy service at Good Samaritan Hospital.

The Cathedral sends out nomination forms each year to more than 300 health-care facilities and retirement communities, as well as every parish in the Archdiocese.

It All Started With Just One Book

One book in 1943, written and donated by Fr. John Elbert, started it all. Today the Marian Library not only holds books but musical scores and artifacts spanning seven centuries and 100 languages around the world.

Almost 80 years since its inception, the Marian Library today is recognized both nationally and internationally as a center for scholarship on the Blessed Virgin Mary. Fr. Johann Roten and Fr. Tom Thompson from the The Marian Library/International Marian Research Institute are often sought after by the press as experts.

Click here for more on their contributions to the collection.

Among scholars and researchers using the library is Liz Hutter, assistant professor of English, who engaged in a fellowship funded by the Marianist Province of the United States. Her students are working on an exhibit called, Rituals of Healing: Body, Mindy, Spirit. It will be on display at the Marian Library from Feb. 8 – April 20, 2023.

Marian Library Fellowships

Applications Open Through Jan. 2

In recognition of the International Marian Research Institute and its new position in the College of Arts and Sciences, the Marian Library and the College of Arts and Sciences are accepting applications for two short-term fellowships.

These fellowships are made possible by a generous gift from the Marianist Province of the United States. Click here to learn more.

Join Us!

Click here to discover job opportunities within our Marianist communities and ministries across the United States. 

New listings include:

  • St. Mary’s University – Beirne Director
  • Chaminade Julienne HS – Dir. of Finance

Stay in Touch


The Fulcrum from Marianist LIFE – Living In Faith Experience

MLC-NA from the Marianist Lay Community of North America

Justice Jottings from the Marianist Social Justice Collaborative

AMU Newsletter from the Association of Marianist Universities

District Update #63 from the Marianist District of India

NACMS Newsletter from the North American Center for Marianist Studies

Via Latina 22 from the General Administration of the Society of Mary

Other Resources

Marianist Archives         

FamilyOnline Submissions

We welcome and encourage submissions of interest to our nearly 3,600 subscribers. Please send them to Theresa Petry.


Stay in touch with the Marianist Province by downloading our new mobile app!

Download your free copy today for easy access to information that supports the work of Marianist-sponsored ministries. Compatible with Apple iOS and Android devices.

This year marks the 20th anniversary of the Marianist Province of the United States – uniting what was once four regional provinces into one.

On behalf of the Marianist Province of the United States, we wish you a Blessed Thanksgiving. May you feel God’s divine presence as you gather with your loved ones to give thanks to our Lord.

Click here for a Thanksgiving prayer from the Marianist Mission.

Giving Thanks and Aid in Trying Times

Aerial view of flooding outside of San Juan
Landslide on Route 143 - a main access to the retreat house
Colegio San José students, alumni and friends distributing water
Seniors at Colegio San José loading a truck full of materials to donate

The annual hurricane season in the Atlantic officially ends on Nov. 30. Marianists who live in these hurricane-prone areas are relieved. Still, the impact of the fierce storms in September and Hurricane Nicole this November will linger for months, maybe years to come.

On Sept. 18, Hurricane Fiona, a powerful Category 1 hurricane, made landfall on the southwest coast of Puerto Rico. “It was just one of many devastating events in the past five years,” said Bro. Francisco Gonzalez, director of Colegio San José in San Juan. “First came Hurricanes Irma and Maria in 2017, followed by a series of incidents including the earthquakes of 2020, the COVID pandemic and now Hurricane Fiona.”

Fiona pummeled parts of Puerto Rico’s southwest and central mountain regions, unleashing 20 to 32 inches of rain and setting off flash floods, mudslides and power outages across the island.

“In San Juan, we were spared the winds but received a lot of rain and were without power for five days,” said Bro. Gonzalez. “As soon as we returned to school, our student organizations started collecting water, food and other items to take to people living in the mountains where some of the worst damage occurred.”

Once the roads were cleared, he inspected the school’s retreat house in the central mountains. “One building needs some repairs,” he said. “Due to landslides, we need to work on the property to remove rocks, soil and debris.”

Eleven days after Fiona, Hurricane Ian threatened much of Florida before making landfall on the state’s western coast. The Marianist community at Chaminade-Madonna in southern Florida “prepared for the storm, but it never traveled in our direction except for some outer bands, “ said Bro. Jack Ventura.

Students from Chaminade-Madonna’s LIFE Student Ministry emergency response program called Pack the Van loaded 250 cases of bottled water into a van.

Counting their blessings, Chaminade-Madonna College Preparatory School launched two initiatives to help those who were impacted. “Our LIFE Student Ministry’s program collected water and other supplies and the National Honor Society and Chaminade Scholars collected toiletries, children’s supplies and cleaning supplies and delivered them to devastated areas on the west coast,” reported Bro. Ventura.

He added, “I am very proud of how our student community responded with generosity and a willingness to help the most vulnerable. We continue to pray for everyone whose lives were upended by this catastrophic event.”

Bro. Gonzalez joins in those prayers. “Thanks to God, we have been able to maintain our academic calendar year except for the two days we were closed. Adaptation and change have been a part of everything we have experienced these past five years. We pray for stability and normality for the rest of the school year.”

In The News

Business Leaders of the Year

Dr. Lynn Babington seen on the left adorned with celebratory leis

Chaminade University of Honolulu President Dr. Lynn Babington was honored at Hawaii’s Business Leaders of the Year awards dinner.  It’s an annual event, now in its 21st year, that honors Hawaii leaders who have made important contributions to their companies, industries and communities.

Babington will also be part of a discussion regarding transformational leadership on Dec. 8 at the Japanese Cultural Center of Hawaii.

5K for the Neighborhood

Fr. John Thompson, Pre-novice Pepe Gutiérez, Bro. Brian Zampier

Holy Rosary Catholic Church, run by our Marianist priests and brothers in San Antonio, TX, gives thanks to all who participated in the annual 5K to benefit the parish and its members. The church’s mission is to enhance services in its surrounding neighborhoods.

The race typically raises about $10,000 to enhance services and outreach programs. It’s part of ongoing efforts to enhance the quality of life through revitalization, health and wellness. Each step taken by two-legged and four-legged companions makes strides toward the success of its mission.

Groundbreaking Nursing Program

St.  Mary’s University and its School of Science, Engineering and Technology broke ground on a three-story Innovation Center building and a planned Bachelor of Science in Nursing program to be housed there.

The state-of-the-art, 30,000-square-foot center will be named the Blank Sheppard Innovation Center in honor of a $2 million gift from Leland T. Blank (B.S. ’67), Ph.D., P.E., and Sallie V. Sheppard, Ph.D.

“Alumni and friends, such as Leland Blank and Sallie Sheppard, share St. Mary’s vision for the future,” said Thomas M. Mengler, J.D., president of St. Mary’s University. “I have no doubt that this new collaborative space will enable our students to transform trailblazing ideas into next-generation realities.”

Click here to read more and see renderings of the new center.

Marianist Ministries in Action

Where Have All The Young People Gone?

“Empty Churches: Where have all the young people gone?” was the topic of a well-attended lecture held at Chaminade University of Honolulu. It’s a question Fr. James Heft has more than just pondered; for years, he has researched and analyzed data pertaining to this subject. In the lecture, he likens the last 50 years of disaffiliation to “nothing less than a tsunami, one that doesn’t come in one huge wave, but in successive waves.”

A Pew study conducted in 2021 reports that 29% of Americans are unaffiliated with any religion compared to 16% in a 2007 survey. But the majority of those unaffiliated adults who may no longer go to church say they believe in God and still pray.

Co-edited with University of Dayton grad and well-known social psychologist, Dr. Jan Stets, Empty Churches Non-Affiliation in America takes a deep dive into the “why.” Obviously, media and social media play a role, but they discovered that some feel the Church is too political, too wedded to rules of behavior, especially in sexual matters, and too concerned with control and power.

How can we help fill the pews? “Religious parents raise religious children – if done so in an authoritative but not authoritarian style,” says Fr. Heft, adding, “we should share our faith with confidence, but avoid cramming it down their throats.”

At the end of the event, Fr. Heft was presented with the Mackey Award for Catholic Thought. The award is in honor of the first president of Chaminade, Fr. Robert Mackey.

Fr. Heft’s lecture grabbed front-page headlines in the Hawaii Catholic Herald.

Click here to read the story. Click here to order his book.

Marianist Moment

By Bro. David Betz 

What’s in a Name?

Blessed Marie de la Conception de Batz de Trenquelléon

The process of naming a child involves various factors. Couples may look at family traditions, their families’ cultural situation and religious affiliation. Some will choose names that are common among their ancestors. In Catholic families, couples may look at the communion of saints to find a name. Today some couples will find unique names they feel will stand out as different or creative that may say something about the child. Whatever name is chosen, there is a hope that it is meaningful for the child as they grow up.

Blessed Adèle was born Adelaide Marie Charlotte Jeanne Josephine.   Click here to learn why then we are asked to refer to her as Blessed Marie de la Conception de Batz de Trenquelléon.

From the Archives

John Wayne (1907-1979) signing autographs at Marianist high school in Puerto Rico

Hey There, Pilgrim

Is there a word more synonymous with a movie star than “pilgrim” and John Wayne? Surprisingly, he only used the word in two of the almost 200 movies he made – the first time in The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance and finally in McClintock.

It is anyone’s guess if he uttered the word while attending an event at Colegio San José, a Marianist high school in Puerto Rico. Regardless, he garnered the admiration and awe of students and adults who lined up to meet the silver screen star, including Bro. Frank McCulken (1904-1987) seen on the far right of the picture.

If you’d like to see more from the Marianist Archives, visit and “like” this Facebook page.

Pray With Us

Please join us in prayer for these members of the Marianist Family.

The obituary for Bro. James Maus was not completed in time for the October issue of FamilyOnline. It is now available and can be read by clicking here.

Good to Know

Frederic Bini, Jose Luis Gonzales, Miguel Angel Cortés, Messi Gatien Loubiya, Claudel Noel, Manuel Cortés and Showrry Ravulapalli

Pilgrimage from India to Rome and Beyond

By Bro. Showraiah Ravulapalli SM, a Marianist Seminarian from India

The Chaminade International Seminary community in Rome made a pilgrimage to historical Marianist sites in France and Spain.

There were six of us, including Fr. Manuel Cortés, the previous Superior General of the Society of Mary, who directed the reflections of our pilgrimage. A long-awaited and dreamt-about day to visit the birthplaces of Blessed Chaminade and the Society of Mary came true for me.

This spiritual journey, filled with joy, encounters and emotions, gave me a feeling of a child learning to walk – a feeling of grounding oneself in the spirit of our Founder. What a joy!

Click here to read more.

Jose Luis Gonzales, Showrry Ravulapalli, Claudel Noel, Manuel Cortés, Miguel Angel Cortés, Messi Gatien Loubiya and Frederic Bini

You’re Invited

You are officially invited to attend two important and inspirational events at the Marianist Retreat and Conference Center in Eureka, MO, in December: an Advent Retreat and Blue Christmas.

The Advent Retreat, entitled “Cultivating a Listening Heart,” will be held the weekend of Dec. 9-11, 2022. Blue Christmas is for anyone who has experienced the loss of a child. It is a candlelight vigil to honor their memory and will be held on Dec. 4, 2022.

For more information and registration, click on the event names Advent Retreat and Blue Christmas.

A Reflection of Mission and Thanksgiving

By Bro. Larry McBride

In 1988 when I left the U.S. to go to Mexico, there was a “missioning” ceremony for those of us who were going. In the homily, we were referred to as “missionaries.”  There was something I didn’t like then about being called a missionary, and that dislike has only deepened over the years. The reason is that I receive much more than I give and have been “missioned to” by those very people I set out to help. The real missionaries are the people I meet.

Recently, I have been fortunate to be “missioned to” by those I have met in India. One of those people, in particular, is someone for whom I would like to say a few things. It is because his story is inspiring and puts more clarity on the world situation than any statistic. His story speaks to what is important in life. It speaks to missioning.

Click here to read more.

Graduate Assistantships Available

Share your faith through relational ministry to college students while pursuing a Masters in Theology or Pastoral Ministry. Serve undergraduate students by journeying with them to cultivate faith, foster spiritual growth, and form Christian leaders.

Positions for the upcoming year will be comprised of unique portfolios that include a combination of the following: Residence Life Ministry, Retreats, Liturgy, Service and Justice, and Vocational Discernment ministries. Tuition, stipend, and housing are provided.

Click here for more information and to apply.

Applications are due February 1.

Join Us!

Click here to discover job opportunities within our Marianist communities and ministries across the United States. 

New listings include:

  • St. Mary’s University – Beirne Director
  • Chaminade Julienne HS – Dir. of Finance

Stay in Touch


The Fulcrum from Marianist LIFE – Living In Faith Experience

MLC-NA from the Marianist Lay Community of North America

Justice Jottings from the Marianist Social Justice Collaborative

AMU Newsletter from the Association of Marianist Universities

District Update #63 from the Marianist District of India

NACMS Newsletter from the North American Center for Marianist Studies

Via Latina 22 from the General Administration of the Society of Mary

Other Resources

Marianist Archives         

FamilyOnline Submissions

We welcome and encourage submissions of interest to our nearly 3,400 subscribers. Please send them to Theresa Petry.


Stay in touch with the Marianist Province by downloading our new mobile app!

Download your free copy today for easy access to information that supports the work of Marianist-sponsored ministries. Compatible with Apple iOS and Android devices.

This year marks the 20th anniversary of the Marianist Province of the United States – uniting what was once four regional provinces into one.

Answering the Call

Nancy Davies, Lay Marianist Affiliate, has seen her share of life’s ups and downs. “I’ve had some close calls physically and trials like most people,” she said. “But I try to hold onto the Cross of Jesus to guide me.”

Nancy Davies

Those trials include losing her husband, Ed, who passed away when she was in her 50s, leaving her to raise their last two children alone. She also had a serious bout with cancer almost four years ago.

Despite these challenges, she says her life is nothing short of miraculous. One miracle occurred during a life-threatening pregnancy with her last child, Matt, who was born three months premature. “I was critically ill after his birth,” said Davies. “I had blood poisoning and a clot in my lung. The doctor said it was miraculous we both survived.”

During that time, Nancy experienced Mary’s presence “guiding her to the Cross and to her Son, Jesus,” she said. “I had a deep conversion that was life-changing.” There were other miraculous events along the way, especially during and after her cancer surgery.

Nancy Davies

Nancy, now 90, has served in various Marianist Lay functions for nearly 50 years and is always quick to respond to prayer requests from the Marianist Office of Religious Life. She says the Marianists gave her many opportunities to evangelize, taking her out of her comfort zone and building her confidence. “God has used me, and I love doing it!”

A native St. Louisan, Nancy met her first Marianist, the late Fr. Ralph Dyer (1918-1999), at a conference in 1973. The following year, he invited her to a series of retreats at Marynook, then a Marianist retreat center in Galesville, Wisconsin, where she felt called to become a Marianist Affiliate.

While in Wisconsin, Nancy became enamored with the Marianist community. “I loved the way the Lay Marianists worked side-by-side with the Brothers,” she said. “We knew we were family. There was nothing superficial about it. The presence of Jesus and Mary were there!”

Would you like to become a Lay Marianist?

Click here to learn more.

In The News

Bro. Jesús Professes First Vows

Bro. Jesús Alvarez Peña with his parents, Maria and Salvador

Bro. Jesús Alvarez Peña professed first vows in the Society of Mary on Oct. 8, 2022, at Capilla de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe (Chapel of Our Lady of Guadalupe) in Querétaro, Mexico. Fr. Oscar Vasquez, Provincial of the Marianist Province of the United States, presided at the Eucharist and received the vows.

Bro. Jesús had worked as a mechanic for eight years alongside his father and brother. But in 2012, he participated in a large retreat and met brothers from various congregations. “I was interested in religious life because I like to help others,” stated Bro. Jesús. He is currently pursuing an undergraduate degree at Marist University of Queretaro in Mexico.

Click here to view pictures from the celebration. Click here to read the official press release.

Underrepresented STEM Students Get Aid

The National Science Foundation awarded four private liberal-arts universities in San Antonio a nearly $2.5 million grant to increase the number of historically underrepresented students and those from lower-income backgrounds obtaining bachelor’s degrees in science, technology, engineering and math. Those universities are St. Mary’s, Trinity University, Our Lady of the Lake University and University of the Incarnate Word. St. Mary’s University will administer its grant-funded project from the Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation program.

Click here to read more.

Happy 60th, Sisters!

FMI’s University of Dayton 60th Anniversary

Earlier this month, University of Dayton (UD) celebrated the 60th anniversary of the Marianist Sisters arriving at the university.

The Sisters’ first ministry at UD was in Residence Life and Ministry in the newly opened Marycrest Hall, which housed female students on campus for the first time. Many of the Marianist Sisters continue to minister at both the University of Dayton and St. Mary’s University.

Click here to view more pictures.


Fr. Bob Jones celebrating Mass

Fr. Bob Jones professed first vows in 2007 and has been spreading the joy of God’s goodness in schools ever since across Ohio, Missouri, Texas and beyond. He believes a large part of his vocation is to be available to students, faculty and staff whenever they need spiritual guidance.

Fr. Bob Jones walking the Camino de Santiago

He also immerses himself in the opportunities God presents to him outside of school hours, including the chance to walk the Camino de Santiago, also known as the “Way of St. James.” It is a network of trails across Europe that leads to the city of Santiago de Compostela in Galicia, in North West Spain.

The Catholic Telegraph recently highlighted Fr. Jones’s journey of sparking joy in others.

Click here to read the full article.

Walk Our Blocks

An organization based in Cincinnati, OH, is making strides in neighborhood relations one block at a time. Over-the-Rhine Community Housing (OTRCH), develops and manages resident-centered affordable housing to build inclusive communities and benefit low-income residents.

Bro. Bob Donovan is a tenant in one of the OTRCH apartments and gave the invocation at the group’s 15th annual “Walk Our Blocks” event last month. It is an opportunity for neighbors to get to know one another and create bonds of support. Bro. Bob invited the Marianist Novices and the Marianist PULSE community as his guests.

Marianist Ministries in Action

Tecaboca Celebrates 85 Years

Tecaboca Camp and Retreat Center, a Marianist facility in Mountain Home, Texas, celebrated 85 years of spiritual ministry with a weekend of festivities in mid-October.

The celebration kicked off with a FundRun – a virtual fundraising event in which solo participants or teams solicited sponsors to donate money as they ran, walked, biked, skipped or galloped in a 5K event for Tecaboca. “We had 24 participants this year and 63 donors,” said Executive Director Kay Tally-Foos.

On Saturday evening, the Under the Stars Gala welcomed 140 diners, including several Marianist Brothers and members of the Provincial Council, Bros. Jesse O’Neill, Joe Markel and Provincial Fr. Oscar Vasquez.

Then on Sunday morning, a crowd of about 150 gathered on the holy grounds for an outdoor Mass concelebrated by Archbishop Gustavo-Siller and Fr. Oscar. “It was special to have both the Archbishop and our Provincial share this occasion with us,” said Tally-Foos. “The Archbishop used this as an opportunity to talk about how Tecaboca is a perfect partner with the archdiocese to promote the essence of Laudato Sí with its emphasis on environmental stewardship, community, kindness and loving commitment to improving the lives of the marginalized.”

Following Mass was a Family FunDay complete with wall climbing, zip lining, swimming, archery and picnics. “It was amazing to see so many people enjoying lunch, staying to visit and playing on our beautiful grounds,” said Tally-Foos. It was the perfect way to wrap up a weekend of celebrations honoring 85 years of spiritual outreach. Click here to view more photos from the anniversary festivities.

Marianist Moment

By Bro. David Betz 

Marie Thérèse, Who Are You?

In the September 2022 Marianist Moment, I responded to a Robert Ellsberg short bio of Venerable Marie Thérèse de Lamourous published in the September 2022 “Give Us This Day missalette.

He used the titles of “founder” and “mother” of the Lay Marianist Family. Here in the United States, a good number of our members of the Lay Family of Mary consider Marie Thérèse, a founder since she was very instrumental in organizing the Young Women’s section and the Ladies of the Retreat section of the Bordeaux Sodality. She assisted Blessed Chaminade with some financial concerns connected with the Bordeaux Sodality and the Society of Mary. He sent her to aid in the organization of the original foundation of the Daughters of Mary in Agen.

Click here to discover why she is seen as a “collaborator” instead of a “founder” in Europe.

From the Archives

The Sound of Music Resonates Marianist Notes

Maria Augusta von Trapp speaking at a luncheon during the 1960 Catholic Library Association Conference in New York City. To her immediate right is Bro. Arthur Goerdt (1912-1995), from San Antonio, president of the Catholic Library Association.

You may know that the widely-acclaimed, award-winning musical and movie, The Sound of Music, is based on the Austrian singing von Trapp family. But did you know Maria von Trapp has a Marianist connection?

The family fled Austria in light of World War II and, in 1938, came to the U.S. for a concert tour as the Trapp Family Singers. They settled in Vermont in 1940 and, a few years later, became citizens. During her time here, Maria Augusta Trapp (1905-1987) remained true to her faith, corresponding with Bro. Anthony Sobocinski (1920-2005) in 1953 and speaking at a Catholic conference in New York City in 1960.

Pray With Us

Please join us in prayer for these members of the Marianist Family.

Bro. James Maus, 79, died on October 26, 2022, in the Marianist Residence Community, San Antonio, Texas with 60 years of religious profession. His obituary will appear in the next issue of FamilyOnline.

See more photos.

Good to Know

Being Who You Are – Perfectly Well

Join us for a weekend at the Mercy Conference and Retreat Center in St. Louis, MO, for the 6th Annual LGBTQ+ Catholics, Families and Friends Retreat Weekend. The Being Who You Are – Perfectly Well retreat will be held Nov. 18-20, 2022. The retreat is hosted by the LGBTQ+ Initiative of the Marianist Social Justice Collaborative. Click here for more details and to register.

October – Month of the Rosary

The month of October is always dedicated to the Most Holy Rosary. This is primarily due to the fact that the liturgical feast of Our Lady of the Rosary is celebrated annually on October 7. It was instituted to honor the Blessed Virgin Mary in gratitude for the protection that she gives the Church in answer to the praying of the Rosary by the faithful.

Everyone can pray the mysteries of the Holy Rosary at any time with videos featuring images of Mary and Jesus from the University of Dayton (UD) campus, artwork from the Marian Library and the U.S. Catholic Special Collection at UD.

Click the video image below to begin.

Stay in Touch


The Fulcrum from Marianist LIFE – Living In Faith Experience

MLC-NA from the Marianist Lay Community of North America

Justice Jottings from the Marianist Social Justice Collaborative

AMU Newsletter from the Association of Marianist Universities

District Update #63 from the Marianist District of India

NACMS Newsletter from the North American Center for Marianist Studies

Via Latina 22 from the General Administration of the Society of Mary

Other Resources

Marianist Archives         

FamilyOnline Submissions

We welcome and encourage submissions of interest to our nearly 3,400 subscribers. Please send them to Theresa Petry.


Stay in touch with the Marianist Province by downloading our new mobile app!

Download your free copy today for easy access to information that supports the work of Marianist-sponsored ministries. Compatible with Apple iOS and Android devices.

This year marks the 20th anniversary of the Marianist Province of the United States – uniting what was once four regional provinces into one.

Modernizing Saints Through Art

Ever wonder what the Marianist Founders would look like if they lived today? That was the question catalyzing a collaboration between the Marianist Lay Communities-North America (MLC-NA) and Gracie Morbitzer, an Ohio-based artist.

“We wanted to explore new ways to have conversations about how the Marianist Movement was founded and what that means for us today,” said Rob Brodrick, national director of the MLC-NA. “Morbitzer’s style was appealing because we were looking for ways to connect with students and young adults who often look for images and media that they can relate to.”

In late August, the artist unveiled The Modern Saints in an online presentation that included new icons of the Marianist Founders – Blessed William Chaminade, Blessed Marie of the Conception (Adèle de Batz de Trenquelléon) and the Venerable Marie Thérèse de Lamourous.

“My goal was to reimagine these extraordinary people as modern, everyday humans because that is exactly what they were, and they remind us of ourselves. They show us that we can all be saints just like them,” said Morbitzer.

So far, reactions to the new icons have been positive. “People who tell stories about our founders often talk about how a contemporary  Adèle would likely use social media, but actually seeing her with a cell phone and no habit is still somewhat of an imaginative leap,” said Brodrick. “Whether or not each member of the Marianist Family likes the particular style, we hope this fresh and imaginative effort gets people talking about the importance of our charism today.”

The General Administration in Rome invites all members of the Marianist Family to pray for our founders on their path to sainthood and all our Marianist Causes.

In The News

Graduates Contribute to Global Church

The International Marian Research Institute (IMRI) has exciting news about two of its previous graduates.

  • Most Reverend Frank Leo, IMRI class of 2002, was appointed by Pope Francis as the Titular Bishop of Tamada and Auxiliary Bishop of Montréal.
  • Fr. Alexandre Awi Mello, IMRI class of 2019, was elected to the Superior General of the Schoenstatt Fathers.

University of Dayton first began IMRI in 1974. Its Department of Religious Studies offers an undergraduate minor as well as graduate and doctoral certificates in Marian Studies.

St. Vincent-St. Mary Golden Jubliee

St. Vincent-St. Mary High School commemorated its 50th year of being united with a weekend-long celebration last month. The coed school began as two parish high schools, St. Vincent High School, established in 1906 and St. Mary High School, established in 1897. They merged in 1972.

Bishop Edward Malesic opened the festivities with Mass stating that “St. Vincent-St. Mary High School is a unified thread of two great histories informed by the Marianist tradition of the Catholic Church.”

After Mass, guests attended a gala under a large tent on the athletic field where school president Leo Hyland emphasized the school’s vision statement. “Building on the rich heritage of our founding schools and embracing the strength of the Marianist Charism, STVM strives to leverage its diversity and compassion and inspire its students to become caring, active, innovative, productive and faithful followers of Christ.”

The parish women’s group began the feast day with a procession and tribal dances.

St. Monica Celebrated in India

Blessed Chaminade Parish in Singhpur, India, celebrated the feast day of St. Monica on Aug. 29th. She is a model for all mothers in the congregation. Around 1,100 women, their husbands and children participated in the solemn Mass, with Marianist Brothers and Sisters from the local communities joining as well.

Marianist Ministries in Action

Lay Marianists Elect New Leader

Matt Dunn – Regional Responsible for North America, Ireland and Australia

At the 8th International Meeting of Marianist Lay Communities, held in Madrid, Spain, in August, Matt Dunn was unanimously elected to serve as Regional Responsible for North America, Ireland and Australia.

Matt’s responsibilities include representing the interest and needs of this region to the international governing team and further advancing its global mission.

“I am humbled to have been nominated and elected to serve in this capacity. I look forward to using my gifts to support the Marianist Family internationally in ways similar to what I did for MLC-NA,” said Matt.

Prior to this role, Matt served as chair of MLC-NA. His new priorities, in addition to international directions established in Madrid, are to improve communication to build a stronger global community and synthesize processes (such as formation) to identify common elements and best practices that can be shared across the globe while encouraging the implementation unique to each country.

“Matt continues to live out his deep commitment to the Marianist Family and has a strong understanding of the needs of our region,” said Margy Lisjak, current chair of the MLC-NA. “We look forward to working with him in this new role.”

Matt succeeds Marceta Reilly in this role with The International Assembly, which meets every four years. “We are deeply grateful for the leadership Marceta provided for the past four years,” said Margy. “She maintained a close relationship with the Leadership Council and strengthened our understanding of our place within the International Marianist Family. “

Click here for video highlights from the Assembly.

Marianist Moment

By Bro. David Betz 

 Can we say that Marie Thérèse de Lamourous

is a Founder and Mother of the Lay Marianists?


In the September 2022 “Give Us This Day missalette, Robert Ellsberg, author of the Blessed Among Us – Day by Day With Saintly Witnesses, identified Venerable Marie Thérèse as Founder and Mother of the Lay Marianists. One wonders how he decided to use these titles. Are these terms appropriate for Marie Thérèse?


Click here to look at some points in Marie Thérèse’s life that may have led to Mr. Ellsberg’s use of these terms.

From the Archives

Yogi Berra

Flys for

Fr. O’Shaughnessy


Fr. Richard O’ Shaugnessy (1918-2011) recalls the acting skills of Yogi Berra (1925-2015).


If you’d like to see more from the Marianist Archives, visit and “like” this Facebook page.

Pray With Us

Please join us in prayer for these members of the Marianist Family.

Bro. Harry Cornell, 81, died on Sept. 19,  2022, in San Antonio, Texas, with 63 years of religious profession. Known as the “Voice of the Buttons,” Brother Harry was considered an icon at Central Catholic High School in San Antonio, where he served on staff for more than 60 years – working as a beloved teacher, coach, club moderator and public address announcer at sporting events, graduations and academic ceremonies.

Read his obituary.

See more photos.

Click here to read a tribute from Central Catholic High School where Bro. Harry was considered an icon.

Jubliee Celebrations

Marianists Celebrate Jubilees

Each year, the Society of Mary recognizes brothers and priests marking milestones of their first profession of vows or their priestly ordinations. The final celebration of our 2022 Jubilarians was held in St. Louis on the last weekend of September and concludes this special section of FamilyOnline for the year.

Good to Know

Hot Off the Press

Fr. George Montague just released his 32nd book, The Mystery of God’s Mercy: Stories and Meditations.  The book explores ways in which the Gospel comes alive in the faith events of others.

Based on his own teaching experiences, Fr. Montague uses the circumstances of his students and himself to illustrate how they encountered the word of the Gospel. It is stories of God’s mercy found in the author’s life and the lives of friends and students who permitted them to be shared. The final chapter provides suggested questions for personal reflection and discussion.

Come Celebrate 85 Years!

There are three ways to celebrate Tecaboca‘s 85th anniversary this year!

Join the virtual FundRun on October 15, attend the Under the Stars Gala in San Antonio and attend Family FunDay at Tecaboca on October 16. The FunDay begins with an outdoor Mass concelebrated with Fr. Oscar Vasquez, the Marianist Provincial, and Archbishop Gustavo Garcia-Siller.

Click here for the event flyer.

Never Enough About Mary

University of Dayton’s Marian Library takes as its motto the words of St. Bernard: “De Maria numquam satis — Never enough about Mary.”

The library is known as a one-of-a-kind resource for Marian scholarship, as seen in its new exhibit featuring rare books, art and archival acquisitions.

One example is an 18th-century printed amulet scroll that purports to represent the “true length” of Mary’s height; scrolls such as this could be placed upon or wrapped around the sick for healing or the dead for protection.

You can view some of the  materials from the exhibit online such as:

    • Wild Flowers from Palestine by Protestant minister Harvey Bartlett Greene (circa 1899)
    • A Dāwit or psalter, which is an Ethiopian devotional manuscript containing the Psalms of David

The exhibit also highlights several Marianists who have contributed to the library’s legacy, including Fr. Thomas Thompson, Bro. William Fackovec and Fr. Francois Rossier.

Empty Churches: Where Have All the Young People Gone?

On Sunday, Oct. 9, 2022, Fr. James Heft will explore the social phenomena of the growing number of individuals who no longer affiliate with a religious tradition, the impact non-affiliation has on society and what the future will look like for religions.

The Marianist lecture is sponsored by Chaminade University and will be held at 4 p.m. (HST) in the Mystical Rose Oratory on the Kalaepohaku campus in Honolulu.

Stay in Touch


The Fulcrum from Marianist LIFE – Living In Faith Experience

MLC-NA from the Marianist Lay Community of North America

Justice Jottings from the Marianist Social Justice Collaborative

AMU Newsletter from the Association of Marianist Universities

District Update #62 from the Marianist District of India

NACMS Newsletter from the North American Center for Marianist Studies

Via Latina 22 from the General Administration of the Society of Mary

Other Resources

Marianist Archives         

FamilyOnline Submissions

We welcome and encourage submissions of interest to our nearly 3,400 subscribers. Please send them to Theresa Petry.


Stay in touch with the Marianist Province by downloading our new mobile app!

Download your free copy today for easy access to information that supports the work of Marianist-sponsored ministries. Compatible with Apple iOS and Android devices.

Make Me an Instrument of Your Peace

Fr. Chaminade ministered in a time of fear, violence and division after the French Revolution and was influenced by the call for Fraternity, Liberty and Equality. We too, in this time of fear, violence, and division, must come together as a people of faith in need of healing and reconciliation. As we encounter Christ in the shadows of hate and violence may we pray and act for a more fraternal, free and equal society. We would like to encourage you to spend time reflecting on the hymn “Make Me a Channel of Your Peace” during your prayers as we prepare for Easter. How you will act for peace, healing and reconciliation?

The Society of Mary (Marianists,) an international congregation of Catholic priests and brothers, announced today that it is withdrawing from St. Anthony’s Parish on the Hawaiian island of Maui, effective July 1, 2021. The departure results from multiple factors, including a declining and aging population of priests and brothers in the congregation. As part of the withdrawal, the Diocese of Honolulu will assume day-to-day operations of the parish and its spiritual community, with full details to be announced in the coming weeks.

“This was a difficult decision that we didn’t take lightly, especially given the Marianist’s historic presence in Hawaii and special relationship with the St. Anthony’s community,” said Father Oscar Vasquez, SM, Marianist provincial. “However, after reviewing all of our available resources, it was ultimately decided that the spiritual, physical and social needs of St. Anthony’s parishioners would be best served by the diocese moving forward, and we’re grateful for its support.”

Current Marianists assigned to the parish community include Pastor Rev. Roland Bunda, SM, Associate Pastor Rev. Sylverius Kerketta, SM, Pastoral Assistant Bro. Fred Silbereis, SM, and in residence Bro. Dave Quigley, SM. All will be assigned to other duties. Although the withdrawal will result in no active Marianists serving the island of Maui, the society will still maintain a significant presence in the region, including Chaminade University of Honolulu and Saint Louis School. The Marianists will continue to provide ongoing support and resources to the existing Lay Marianist groups both on Oahu and Maui. Similarly, we are pleased to continue our sponsorship of St. Anthony’s school.

St. Anthony’s is a special community, with its roots on the island dating back more than 150 years. Founded by the Fathers of the Order of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in 1848, the parish has grown over the decades to include a diverse parish of more than 900 families, many focused ministries, a preschool, cemetery and the only Catholic High School on the island of Maui. Although the Marianists formally assumed leadership of St. Anthony’s Parish in 1976, the order was already well known to the community, having founded the Wailuku School for Boys in 1883 at the invitation of the Sacred Heart’s Fathers.

The Marianists are planning a parish farewell event on May 23, 2021 to honor the many brothers and priests who have served the parish there and to thank the St. Anthony Community for their collaboration and support.

Bro. Allen Pacquing Professes Perpetual Vows

Bro. Allen Agpaoa Pacquing professed perpetual vows in the Society of Mary (Marianists) on Oct. 3, 2020, at Guadalupe Chapel on the campus of St. Mary’s University in San Antonio, Texas. Fr. Oscar Vasquez, provincial of the Marianist Province of the United States, presided at the Eucharist and received the vows. Fr. Tim Kenney, assistant for religious life, concelebrated and presented Bro. Allen for the Rite of Religious Profession.

Due to precautions taken in light of the coronavirus pandemic, physical attendance of the celebration was limited to 45 friends and members of the Marianist community donning masks and socially distanced. However, the vow ceremony was livestreamed so that Marianist family members and friends from throughout the world were able to virtually witness the celebration.

Bro. Allen Pacquing, 50, was born to a religious, Filipino-American family and raised in Honolulu, Hawaii. He earned an MA in Pastoral Ministry from Santa Clara University in California, in 2003. In 2013, Allen asked himself, “Who would have guessed that I would enter the novitiate at this stage in my life? Certainly not me, but God had other plans. I just needed to listen and to be open to His call.”

After professing his first vows in Dayton, Ohio on May 23, 2015, Bro. Allen was assigned to Chaminade University of Honolulu as the Minister for Liturgy and Worship. He then transitioned to be the Coordinator of the Tutoring Center and Testing Services. In 2017, Bro Allen was promoted to Director of Campus Ministry.

With Bro. Allen’s expertise in student life and pastoral care, he was asked to be the Chaplain for Student Development at St. Mary’s University, San Antonio, Texas in 2019.  Living at the Holy Rosary Marianist Community, Bro. Allen continues to learn the culture and history of San Antonio and how our Marianist influence shaped the local community. With his knowledge and willingness to serve in the Division of Student Development, he accepted the position as the associate director of Community Engagement, Marianist Student Initiatives at St. Mary’s University.

Fr. Oscar Vasquez, Bro. Allen Pacquing and Fr. Tim Kenney | Photo Credit: Robin Jerstad
Fr. Oscar Vasquez, Bro. Allen Pacquing and Fr. Tim Kenney | Photo Credit: Robin Jerstad

Please click here to view/download the Liturgy/Profession of Perpetual Vows Order of Worship.

Please click here to view more photos for Bro. Allen Pacquing’s perpetual vows.

Please click here to view the beautiful reception videos for Bro. Allen Pacquing’s perpetual vows.

Thank you for remembering Brother Allen A. Pacquing, S.M. in your prayers.


On Aug. 22, the Feast of the Queenship of Mary, the Marianist Province of the United States celebrated the ordinations of Fr. Michael Chiuri, S.M., and Fr. Brandon Paluch, S.M., during a Mass at Our Lady of the Pillar Parish in St. Louis.

Most Reverend Kevin W. Vann, bishop of the Diocese of Orange, California, presided at the Mass and gave the homily. Fr. Oscar Vasquez, Provincial of the Marianist Province of the United States, and Fr. Timothy Kenney, served as the principal concelebrants.

Due to precautions taken in light of the coronavirus pandemic, physical attendance of the celebration was limited to 75 family members, friends and members of the Marianist community donning masks and socially distanced. However, the Ordination was livestreamed so that more than a thousand Marianist family members and friends from throughout the world were able to virtually witness the celebration.

Fr. Mike Chiuri, 42, was born and raised in Nairobi, Kenya, where he earned his bachelor’s degree in commerce and business administration at the Catholic University of Eastern Africa in 1997 and worked as a consultant for the African Economic Research Consortium.  Read more.

Fr. Brandon Paluch, 37, was born in Green Bay, Wis., and raised in suburban Chicago. After earning his bachelor’s degree in religious studies and history at the University of Dayton in 2006, he served in Loyola Marymount University’s PLACE Corps through which he earned a master’s degree in education. Read more.


Marianist Province Condemns Racism

In the wake of the tragic death of Mr. George Floyd and the protests it has sparked in communities throughout the United States, the Marianist Province of the United States is calling for prayers and commitment to actions that eliminate the sin of systemic racism.

The Marianist Province of the United States stands with the Conference of Major Superiors of Men (CMSM) in publicly condemning racism and the use of excessive force in law enforcement, and we call for reforms to policies and practices that have oppressed Black Americans. We also pray for an end to violence and for a path forward that leads to true change. Read the statement released by CMSM.